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Monday September 23,, 2024

Milano, Italia


Good morning. Up at 03:30 this morning. Yes, changing over laundry. The washer/dryer unit does indeed wash and dry the clothing. Not completely dry but very close. Put them out on the rack and they are dry within a couple hours. Was more concerned about jeans. They tend to take longer. So, in they went at 03:30. They were done by 06:00 and on the rack shortly thereafter. The next load was in immediately. The last load should go in about 08:30 with any luck.


While waiting between loads, our prescription information and doctor information was up loaded to our medicare planner. It is time to look at the medicare Part D prescription programs again. Hopefully 2025 will be as inexpensive as 2024. 2024 was $15 a month. The VPN makes it possible to deal with people because it makes them think we are in the US.


Did my Italian, had some Rice Krispies for breakfast. Considering walking over to the train station and getting a cappuccino and brioche. Maybe I’ll wait for Mary. She should be up before too long. Ok, I’ll shower and get dressed while the current load is finishing up and Mary is sleeping.


Damilia wrote that she was boarding the flight to Zurich. Flightware indicates her flight left 12 minutes early and is currently on time. It isn’t raining yet, but the forecast calls for rain in the afternoon. There is a severe rain and a moderate thunderstorm warning for Lombardia for today. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice. We’ll see how it really goes.


Mostly stayed in an prayed that Michael’s shoulder surgery goes well today. Did laundry. Went to the train station for cappuccino and brioche. Came back and took a short nap. Then went to Hostaria La Baita for lunch. This is one of our favorite restaurants near the train station. He they even remembered us, can you imagine.


Returned to the apartment. Did laundry. Took another nap, mostly because it is raining outside and the laundry takes soooooo longgggg. Took some of the last load of laundry to the lavanderia and put it into the dryer and it just was not cooperating.


I started out of the lavanderia on the corner but there was a line of people trying to get in to the lavanderia. It looks like a lot of people do the Italian thing and wash at home and take it to the lavanderia to dry. At first I thought they were letting people dry for free the line was so long.


Came back to the apartment and looked for another lavanderia nearby. Found one and headed out there. Found it. Very small. Two washers and two dryers. But no customers. The price difference is a euro fifty. Six euros instead of 4.5 Yes, very expensive which is why we always try and book a place with a washer. But for six euros I got everything very nicely dry. Walked back to the apartment, folded the clothes, and packed everything up for the morning. Even though we aren’t leaving until 12:20. I am sure we’ll go a little early. I think check out is 11:00. We’ll be gone by then.


At 19:30 went to the train station to meet Damilia who arrived today from San Francisco and is spending the night with us. She’ll ride up to Sondrio with us tomorrow. The train from the airport was a little delayed because of the rain and flooding. She finally got into the train station at 20:20. We walked to the apartment and called it a night.


Buonanotte e Ciao, Enrico e Maria



 Missed the grape harvest but here are some photos.

 Here is our lunch

My first attempt at posting a video. Below

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