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Sabato, November 30, 2024

Torino and Aosta, Italia


Good morning, today Pietro rented a van and drove up to Aosta for lunch and to visit the Christmas Market. We had lunch at Erba Voglio, on Via Sant’Anselmo, this is the guy who came to Lake Como last Christmas and did a cheese tasting with us. It was great. He served us wonderful lunch with way too much food.

After lunch we met up with Giulia and her family and walked down to the main square here the main part of the Christmas market was located. Being older, not having a home to put things in, makes going to the markets very easy. You don’t need anything, you have no place to put anything, and as travelers you have no room in your luggage. The last reason even makes getting things for others, unless they are with you very difficult.


We went to Giulia and Enrico’s house for a visit after. They live in the same place I was at maybe eight or nine years ago. Giovanni was probably seven or eight? He is now 15 and a fine young man.  Luisa really likes Giovanni.


Anyway we visit with them and then returned to Torino. It was a long day with several hours in the car, but a lot of fun. It was nice to see Giulia, Enrico and Giovanni. We invited them to Sonoma, again, but I don’t think they will come. Giovanni would like to but I doubt that his parents will let him go alone.


Buonanotte, Enrico e Maria

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