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Saturday, November 9, 2024


Loro Ciuffenna – Siena, Italia

Travel Day


Good morning, it is a travel day. The olive harvest has finished, well at least the picking part. Before going to bed last night the crushing part was supposed to be this afternoon about 1. I got up and packed. Then I went down to the kitchen to make coffee. Rosario came in shortly after and we talked a bit.


Then I made the first of four trips up to the apartment to get luggage. The road is gravel so using the wheels on the suitcase isn’t easy. It is easier to carry them. In between I stopped and took a sip of coffee. Giuseppina, Gisuse, Rosario’s wife, joined us. We chatted a bit. I made Mary’s coffee and took it o her at 8.


She was actually up, although not ready to go. Down with another suitcase. Mary joined us in the breakfast room and had her yogurt. While we were there Pietro texted Rosario and told him they were ready for Pietro at the frantoio, olive press/mill. It was only 9. What the F—-? So apparently, they were scurrying to get the olives to the press.


Rosario and Giuse headed out to watch the pressing. Unfortunately, we have to have the car in Siena by noon. The Avis outlet in Siena closes at noon. Maybe we could have watched the pressing for a few minutes, but we decided to wait until next year.


So we were off to Siena. We are taking the “backroads” and trying to stay off the A1. There is still a little fog in the valley but it is quickly wearing off. Now it had just gone 9 and it supposed to only take an hour to get to Siena, but we always plan for a little more than is needed.


We headed down the hill into the valley below. We passed through a number of picturesque towns and hollows. It was quite beautiful. Mostly we were simply following the signs to Siena. Somewhere along the way we got off the planned route, but we were still headed in the right direction. We ended up driving for a little bit on SS715, not an autostrada but close.


We got to Siena, there was one time around the block, before we found the right street. Fortunately, I remembered what the AVIS outlet looked like. It is only marked on the front door and nearly impossible to see as you drive down the street. I pulled over and went inside. Asked where to put the car – it is currently blocking half the road.


The lady directed me to a parking lot behind a wall. You would never have known it was there. Car delivered, receipt received and taxi on its way. It is less than ¾ of a km to the apartment. However, a taxi is necessary since it is basically all up hill. Besides we are too old to pull the suitcases up that far. The taxi took us on a little bit of a tour. That is he didn’t take the most direct route he could have. But it was nice to see the city again and remind both of us that his is a hill town.


We got to the apartment just before noon. I called the office and asked if we could at least drop off out suitcases. She said yes and came over in just a few minutes. We dropped off the bags and Mary wanted to see where school was, so off we went.


It is all of ½ a km to school. I took the most difficult, but straight route to school. Down hill into the Campo, up the other side to school. We took a couple of breathers along the way. Got to school and many things were coming back. We walked the long way back to the apartment and got back about 13:30. Get the apartment organized and headed out to get something to eat.


I was looking for something spicy and suggested we go visit the Chinese Restaurant, La Rosa, I remembered visiting while I was going to school here. We walked down Via Pantaneto and sure enough it was still there. We shared an order of spring rolls. It was hot & sour soup of me, and won ton soup for Mary. There were chicken pot stickers, spicy beans with pork, sweet & sour chicken and white rice. It was good, and at the end of the meal we were stuffed.


We walked back to the apartment, passing Logge del Papa, there was a street vendor getting ready to roast chestnuts. We were excited and looking forward to returning after a pisolino (nap).


After resting for a bit we went out for a walk. This time back to the chestnut roaster. We sat on the wall of the Palazzo Piccolomini and enjoyed a couple of chestnuts. Then we walked down to PAM and bought a few groceries for the apartment. We took them back to the apartment and headed out in the opposite direction on Via di Città to the Carrefour Express. We had forgotten coffee. Of all things.


On the way back to the apartment we stopped at the Bialetti Store. We looked at a few of the nice coffee makers, and then decided to get some Bialetti coffee for our Bialetti Moka pot. Maybe it will even be better is we use their coffee. Ha Ha.


Then it was back to the apartment. In between walks I had loaded the washer or dryer with clothes. So, it was time for the last load. I got the frying load out at about 21:00 and it was time for me to head to bed.


Bed would have been a great choice expect for the concert in Piazza Tolomei about 20 meters outside our front door. The music and crowds went on until about 2 in the morning. Hopefully it is a one-day thing.


Buonanotte e ciao, Enrico e Maria  


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