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Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Torino, Italia


It may sound a lot like a repeat but it was a little different. Damilia came by at 10:00. We called the City of Legnano. Yes, trying to get the birth certificate. We tried the phone numbers we got yesterday. Eventually we ended up with being able to make an appointment. The first available appointment was October 22. We took it.


We also managed to get an email address for the anagrafia office. We sent an email asking for the birth certificates. Probably won’t hear from them, but then maybe we will. We decided to go to Legnano weather or not we get a response from the city. If we get a positive response, we’ll go and get official stamped certificates. If we get a negative response we’ll go and see if we can find the office where I got Mary and mine. In the worst case we’ll also go to the appointment.


Yes, played canasta. Yes, broke up after lunch. Mary went and provided some relief for Serra this afternoon. Damilia and I went shopping for Luisa’s family dinner. We made dinner for them and left Serra and Pietro to have a quite dinner after Lulu had gone to bed.


Buonanotte e Ciao, Enrico e Maria

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