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Tuesday the 22, 2024


Legnano, Italia


Buongiorno I miei amici. This morning Damilia and I took a good walk around Legnano. It was an opportunity to show her the orphanage where Mary’s grandfather grew up and other sights in the city. We stopped at a small bar along the way and had our morning cappuccino and brioche before returning to the hotel.


Mary was up and dressed when we returned. We went to the breakfast room and enjoyed a very simple breakfast. It was about as spartan as the room, but good. Then the three of us finished packing our suitcases, locked them and left them with the front desk while we went and walked through the city. We collectively decided that this could work as a retirement community. The only issue is the need to change in Milano between Centrale and Garibaldi train stations.


We stopped and had lunch at Via Verdi Café on Via Palestro, go figure. The ladies both had the salmon salad and I had a roast beef sandwich. There was a nice pastry with apples and walnuts for dessert for Damilia and I, and a nice lemon cake for Mary. We explored the two a bit more and then picked up our suitcases and headed for the train station.


There was no issue taking the train back to Garibaldi FS. We said our good bye to Damilia who was off to Arezzo to visit friends and then on to pick olives. It is raining like made there now. That is good for the olives, bad for pickers who will have to stand knee deep in mud. The ten-day forecast shows sunshine at the beginning of the harvest. We’ll see…..


We bought tickets to the Metro and got on a train to Centrale FS. I bought rechargeable (ricaricabile) tickets. We may use them in the future. The only issue for us is that we had two hours to kill before our train. We went to McDonalds and had a coke and sat in the dinning room for a while. Then went to Le Feltrinelli, the bookstore for a little while. Then found some seats by the gates.


Finally, we got on the train. We are in executive class as those were the only seats available. Otherwise, we would have had to wait another two hours for a train. Nothing says too bad when you are traveling first class. The glass of Prosecco was “free”.


We got back to Torino at 19:03. Walked out of the station and immediately boarded tram number 15 back to our apartment. Twenty minutes later we were there. It had been a fun trip to show Damilia the “home” town.


Buonanotte e Ciao, Enrico e Maria

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